Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garlic scapes, elsewhere, plus an experiment

Hey guys.

Just for fun, just for a moment, I'm doing a little experimenting with Tumblr. Tonight I posted a little tome about pickled garlic scapes. Please head over there and take a look, especially if you have a trove of scapes littering your kitchen as a result of a few overzealous trips to a farmers' market.

We'll see how the Tumblr thing goes. I like the way it looks, and it's a heck of a lot easier to use than this here Blogger. But the ability for readers to leave comments is seriously curtailed, which could be a deal-breaker.

Anyway. This is all very fascinating. What I really want you to know is, there are dilly scapes over there, and changes might be afoot at the Circle K.

Stay tuned!

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