Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why? Guest blogging!

Just popping up to say hello, and direct you, dear reader, to a guest post I've written for the excellent Why CLE? blog. CLEgal, the site's fearless blogger, has taken a well-deserved vacation to the sunny parts, and I'm honored to be one of the bloggers keeping her readers entertained while she's away.

So! Please head on over and see why the delicious Polish cooking in Northeast Ohio is so important to me. Then, have a good look around the site to learn all about what makes Cleveland a fabulous place to live, indeed.

Thanks, CLEgal!


  1. Thanks for guest blogging! Loved the post and CLEmom and I already have plans to eat at Babushka's in Independence!

  2. You are quite welcome -- thanks for the opportunity!

    SO glad to hear you and CLEmom are heading to Babushka's! Please let me know what you think...if you have the energy to lift your fingers to a keyboard after all those pierogi....
