Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sydney Cakewalk

When I went to Australia last month I spent a good deal of time visiting bakeries in the Sydney area. A girl has to have her priorities.

With the gracious help of Kerrie, Greg, Nicole and Matthew Nott -- my dear friends and local guides -- we ate our way through seven bakeries and a chocolate shop with some crazy cockatoos. I wrote about my sweet adventures for the excellent Cakespy in a feature for her "Cakewalk" series. You can check it out here.

Thanks to head spy Jessie for the opportunity to contribute to her site, thanks again to the Notts for driving me hither and yon in search of sweets and thanks most of all to the immensely skilled bakers of Sydney and environs. You ensure that New South Wales is a tasty, tasty place indeed!

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