Thursday, June 25, 2009

Snapshots from a traveler #2

Aboard the Andando sailing vessel in the Galapagos Islands. Mom (right) and Hillary helped reel in these yellowfin tuna as we traveled between islands. It was as fresh as seafood gets; our chef presented this as sushi -- with all the proper accoutrements -- no more than 10 minutes after I took this photo.

(Hillary was one of our co-passengers on board Andando. She and her husband, Norman, were British and very delightful. I presume they are still both of those things.)

Somewhere between Floreana and Punta Moreno, Isabela, Galapagos, Ecuador -- November/December 1999.


  1. Thanks, Melanie. It really was a fantastic trip. I had two free plane tickets from being bumped off a flight at Thanksgiving and decided I wanted to go somewhere I'd never be able to afford otherwise (if I had to pay for airfare, too). I chose Galapagos and Mom, being Mom, was totally game. It was so memorable.
