Sunday, March 8, 2009

I think you should make these

Does it ever happen to you that you see something, or someone mentions something, that you haven't seen or thought about in a very long time? And you think to yourself, with barely contained glee, oh yeah! That reminds me of my childhood! I remember that! It's like a memory that had gone completely dark long ago is again illuminated by the bright light of nostalgic recognition. So it is that songs, books, toys, food -- ahem, baked goods -- emerge from the recesses of your mind and take you back to very specific, and happy, times and places.

The other day Mom mentioned a delicate, thin, jam-filled cookie that she used to make all the time when I was little. I don't recall ever making them with her, but I do remember that they were a favorite in our house. Then one day she didn't make them anymore. I'm sure there wasn't a reason, they just were no longer a regular part of what came out of her kitchen. I forgot about them completely over the course of the past two decades. Indeed, they did not occur to me even recently, when I've been spending a lot of time and mental energy gathering favorite childhood recipes for this blog. They were just gone.

That was, until Mom started talking about them last week. It was like a cartoon light bulb appeared over my head, you know, with like five or six squiggly lines emanating from it. As she talked about these jam-filled cookies, I could picture them like no time had passed. I could see their pretty scalloped edges and almond-flecked dough dressed in the thinnest cloak of powdered sugar glaze. I could see the jam oozing out from the sandwiched centers. I could feel their crumbly sandy texture between my fingers. I'm pretty sure Mom could see and feel all this, too, because she went home, rifled through her recipe box, came back with the recipe card, handed it to me and said, "I think you should make these."

Hint, hint.

(This cookie is sticking out its tiny jam-tongue at you.)

The recipe comes from a dear friend, Diane Chase. The Chases lived across the street from us when I was growing up, and they were just the coolest family. Well, I suppose they still are the coolest family, but with five adult children and too many grandchildren to count, they are scattered all over the country and we don't get to see each other save family photos sent around at Christmastime. The recipe calls for "grated unblanched almonds," and since Mrs. Chase didn't yet have a Cuisinart when she originally shared this recipe with Mom, she would quite literally grate them, one by one, on a box grater. Now, I have two Cuisinarts and nearly a pound of almond meal in the freezer, but out of nostalgia and respect for those pre-food processor days I grated my almonds on a microplane when I made these cookies today. It's a little tedious, to be sure, but it's really not that bad. Gives you time to reflect while your grate nuts down to your knuckles. Gives you time to catch up on your TiVoed episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Taste-wise, the almond grating is completely worth it. A few drags across the microplane transform a whole almond into a small pillowy heap of fluffy nut-shavings. The texture is very different from ground almond meal, which holds onto some of its crunch. Grated almonds, I have learned, sort of disappear into a pile of soft almond flavor. Which means they work perfectly in this simple cookie, fully imparting their almond essence while leaving the rest of the cookie to bake into a delicate round with no almond pieces to compromise the buttery flakiness. The depth of flavor is remarkable considering the few humble ingredients. You look at this cookie and you think, "Ah, nothing special." But then you taste it. And you savor its texture. Thank you, grated almonds.

I haven't had this flavor in my mouth for some 20 years. Yet it's like I was eating these cookies yesterday. Mom came over right away to have some.



This buttery dough needs a night in the refrigerator, so be sure to start these cookies the day before you wish to serve them.

Use your very favorite jam to fill these cookies. Mrs. Chase and Mom used currant. My very favorite is strawberry, from Greaves in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

1 c. grated unblanched almonds
1 lb. unsalted butter, at room temperature
8 oz. superfine sugar
2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour, sifted
1/4 t. vanilla
1/8 t. kosher salt
About 1 c. jam or preserves
1 c. powdered sugar
2 T. water

Grate the almonds using a microplane or the fine side of a box grater. Alternatively, you can chop them finely in a food processor or use almond meal, but the texture of the finished cookie will be different.

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. Add the flour gradually and mix very well. Add the nuts, vanilla and salt and mix again to combine. Cover the bowl with a piece of wax paper and a tea towel and refrigerate overnight.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

Work only with handfuls of dough at a time. Warm the handful of dough between your hands. On a very well-floured surface, roll out the dough until it's about 1/8-inch thick. Cut using a 2-inch round cookie cutter. I use the same cutter Mom used, which has a lovely scalloped edge.

Place cookies on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes (the cookies should not take on any color). Cool on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes, then remove to a wire rack to cool completely.

Mix together the powdered sugar and water to make a simple glaze. Place about 1/2 t. of jam on half of the cookies, then sandwich together with the other half. Drizzle the tops of the cookies with the glaze. Then, savor.

Makes about 36 little reminders of childhood.


  1. Good lord, did you grate those almonds by hand on a microplane without slicing off the tips of your fingers?

  2. that little jam tongue made me smile.
    these look delicious!

  3. MMMMM Mrs. Chase's almond jam cookies from childhood....

    (drooling like Homer Simpson)

  4. OMG my mother and I used to make very similar cookies! We would always use raspberry jam. She would cut a little hole (like a donut) in the middle of the top cookie so you could see the jam peeking through, and instead of glazing, they just had powdered sugar on them, but essentially the same cookies! They were DELICIOUS and I'm sure these are too!

  5. Those look so delicious. I have a similar recipe I bake at Christmas. I tint the frosting pink and use raspberry jam. I have NEVER grated almonds. You have patience, girl!

  6. I enjoyed seeing you blog about our Greaves strawberry jam in your latest recipe "fabulous filled cookies"! I am hoping to try them soon at home. In the meantime, can we post your recipe on our website at They look delicious!

  7. Angela, thanks so much for reading and for commenting! Your jam is the BEST, but then again you already knew that. We visited last August and came home with several boxes filled with different varieties. Such a treat!

    Yes, I would be honored for you to post my recipe at Please just credit me, Dianne Ketler, and the blog, A Stove With A House Around It. If you could link back to that would be fantastic!

    Thanks for asking and thanks once again for your interest in my recipe. Hopefully I'll make it back to your store soon!

  8. First I had to check out this post just because of the title, very clever. Then it made me think of some shortbread cookies my mother use to make. I would help her by pressing my thumb in the middle and then fill it with strawberry jam. I loved them bc the cooking was crisp and the jam was chewy. Mmmmmmmm, anyways great post.

  9. What a beautiful blog! I'm so glad that I found you...of course, I was lured in by the, taste, of almond. Love almonds.

    I'll have to give these whirl. They sound divine, and I've got a freezer full of almond.


  10. Chickpea, it was delicate work. But worth it in the end!

    L*Joy, I laughed to myself when I took that photo and muttered to my husband, "This cookie has a tongue...."

    Sue, come over and get some! Before they're all gone, that is.

    Alta, those sound delicious (and very pretty)!

    Arlene, I love the idea of tinting the frosting pink. How precious!

    Meseidy, thank you! Mmm...strawberry jam and shortbread. I could eat shortbread all day long.

    Debby, yes please give these a try! Thank you so much for your kind words, and for commenting. Is that your horse there? S/he looks like quite a beauty.

  11. This recipe is really going to keep me busy in the kitchen with all its glamor. This is another must for the weekend! My kids would just hug me for this.
